Q: Do you offer a Military/Law Enforcement Discount?

A: Yes, we do. Please send a copy of credentials (photo) and we will send a code to use.

Q: Does a coupon discount apply to bundled items or items on sale?

A: No. The items on sale or bundled together at a discount are firmly priced at significant savings.

Q: Do you still have a New Subscriber discount of 20%. I just created an account and subscribed but I don’t see any discounts on my order.

A: No, we discontinued the New Subscriber and the User discounts in favor of a customer loyalty points program that will be rolling out in the next few months. We will release a newsletter announcement when the loyalty points program begins, so be sure to watch for it.

Q: What happened to my 10% User discount?

A: We have discontinued the Logged-In User discount and will be launching a loyalty points program in the near future. Customers will earn points and receive personalized discounts based on their preferences and spending totals. We will release a newsletter announcement when this program is up and running.